As a parent or carer, you are an important part of our school community. We offer a range of services to support you and your family.
Reporting to parents
At Kurmond Public School, we strive to communicate student progress and achievement in a clear and timely manner.
Parents and caretakers are encouraged to attend Meet the Teacher Evening in Week 4 of Term 1. This allows teachers to outline teaching plans and goals for the year.
Kindergarten parents are invited to a Parent and Teacher interview in Week 5 of Term 1 to outline their children's best start assessment which was completed at the start of the year. This information is important for the school as it gives the teacher a starting teaching point for each student in the class.
Parent and Teacher interviews are held in Week 9 of Term 1, to discuss student progress. We encourage these interviews to be three-way interviews in order to include students in the discussion regarding their learning and goals.
At the end of Term 2, written student reports are written by teachers addressing how the intended outcomes have been achieved by students in all key learning areas. Parents are invited to discuss written reports further with class teachers if they feel the need to clarify any of the content.
Student work samples are collected according to a school schedule. These are collated by class teachers in a folder and are utilised to discuss student progress and scoring during professional discussions with grade and stage colleagues.
At the end of Term 4 a second written student report is provided to parents addressing student achievement of outcomes for all key learning areas. Throughout the year parents are always welcome to make an appointment to discuss their child's progress with the class teacher.
Parents and Citizens’ Association (P&C)
Our Parents and Citizens’ Association (P&C) is made up of parents and carers, teachers and community members. The P&C meets regularly to contribute to decision-making, developing policies and management plans as well as fundraising.
Counselling for families
The school counsellor can assist when families undergo a trauma or big change. Contact us to make an appointment. For information in community languages, see school counselling service.
Outside of the education system, free telephone counselling services are available to support families who may be going through a difficult time.
- Lifeline – 24-hour telephone counselling service. 13 11 14.
- Mensline Australia – 24-hour telephone counselling service for men. 1300 789 978.
- Parent line – an advice and information service. 1300 1300 52.
Interpreting and translations
We will help you communicate with our school. If you’d like an interpreter for a school meeting, let us know and we will arrange one, if available.
If you don’t speak or understand English well and want to contact us, call TIS National on 131 450 and ask for an interpreter in your language. The operator will call the school and get an interpreter to help. This service is free.
For more information, listen in your language.
Visit the department’s translated documents section for important information that’s relevant for your child’s education in many languages.